Tier Point Run to Sofia in Nov 2024: Day 15 – London Heathrow to Home
By Nige
on November 23, 2024
at 5:00 pm
Type: Post
Story: Tier Point Run to Sofia in Nov 2024
Category: Travel
Tags: LHR | London Heathrow | Trips
The flight back to Heathrow was a bit of a drag. It was a longer flight because of fighting against the jet stream, and by that stage, the novelty had worn off a bit. I felt tired as well, and I just needed to get home.
Luckily, I only waited a minute before the Long Stay bus left on its 10-12 min trip back to the car park.
Bobby Tesla 2 was patiently waiting for me, and based on advice from the Vickster I took the M40 on the way home.
The M25 was horrid in the normal places, but once I was on the M40 it was fine. It was wet and windy, but I got home in the end, although an hour later than last week!
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