Tier Point Run to Hawaii/San Juan in Feb 2014

Shouldn’t be scary this one - I’ve done overseas trips on my own before (well once), and I’ve worn the t-shirt, and watched the video, and read the book etc. No big deal.

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A mighty view in Yellowstone National Park
A mighty view in Yellowstone National Park

Tag Archive for Palm Springs

By Nige on Sat 01 Oct 2022 at 19:04
Type: Post

This is an archive showing posts assigned to tag: Palm Springs.

Palm Springs is a hot city in California, USA.

Posts are normally shown in reverse chronological order, in groups of 10, but you can adapt the results using the controls below.

Deplaning in Palm Springs
Deplaning in Palm Springs

Tier Point Run to Palm Springs in Dec 2023: Day 2 – Phoenix PHX to Palm Springs PSP

By Nige on Fri 15 Dec 2023 at 12:36
Type: Post
Story: Tier Point Run to Palm Springs in Dec 2023
Tags: American Airlines | Hertz | Palm Springs | Phoenix | PHX | PSP | Trips | USA

I had already worked out where all of the key places were at Sky Harbor before I left the aircraft. My flight to Palm Springs was due to leave from Gate B12, the AA lounge was located around Gate B5 and Starbucks was located at Gate B17.

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Palm Springs
Palm Springs

Tier Point Run to Palm Springs in Dec 2023: Day 1 – Prep

By Nige on Thu 14 Dec 2023 at 08:00
Type: Post
Story: Tier Point Run to Palm Springs in Dec 2023
Tags: British Airways | California | DUB | Dublin | JFK | LHR | London | New York | Palm Springs | Phoenix | PHX | PSP | Trips | USA

It's all been relatively straightforward for this trip. I originally booked this trip back in June, on the basis that I was almost guaranteed to see an AA flight change sufficient to allow me to better manage my time on this trip.

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Author Bio: About Nige

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Nige is one of the co-founders of The Billingham Blog and works as a freelance management consultant. He loves to fly in his spare time!

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