Weekend to London in Feb 2016

We enjoy heading down to London to sort out Russian visas in support of our trip to St Petersburg.

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Arriving at Heathrow T3
Arriving at Heathrow T3
Arriving at Heathrow T3
Arriving at Heathrow T3

Tier Point Run to Sofia in Jun 2023: Day 1 – Home to Heathow

By Nige on Sat 10 Jun 2023 at 12:01
Type: Post
Story: Tier Point Run to Sofia in Jun 2023
Tags: LHR | London | Trips

The day got off to a fine and chilled start: coffee in the cafe, whilst I reviewed the footage of our first test of a wildlife 4K outdoor camera. Early one morning recently, I had seen a hedgehog scamper past the back door, so I put out some cat food overnight in the hope that it might tempt the hedgehog to hang around a bit.

Unfortunately, it didn’t get a look in. One of the neighbour’s cats got an early and free breakfast at 3am. We also then got a second neighbour kitty checking out the empty bowl, before our two moggies could get out of the cat flap. They were gutted to find the other felines had got the better of them!

I headed off to Heathrow at around 8:30am; I hate leaving a longish drive to late in the morning, just in case there are any problems on the roads. There was a bit of queuing on the M25, but nothing significant, so I got a reasonable run through to Heathrow T2 & T3 Business Parking.

I arrived at the car park at around 9:30 and almost immediately a bus arrived to take me to the terminal.

Follow the whole story here: Tier Point Run to Sofia in Jun 2023

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Author Bio: About Nige

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Nige is one of the co-founders of The Billingham Blog and works as a freelance management consultant. He loves to fly in his spare time!

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