Tier Point Run to Sofia in Dec 2023: Day 1 – Sofia SOF to London Heathrow LHR
By Nige
on December 2, 2023
at 10:00 pm
Type: Post
Story: Tier Point Run to Sofia in Dec 2023
Category: Travel
Tags: British Airways | LHR | London Heathrow | SOF | Sofia | Trips
It was just 30 seconds after getting off the aircraft before I ended up being first in the queue for getting back on. Another 30 seconds later and gate staff arrived and they started filling the boarding pen up as we watched the remaining passengers continued walking up the jet bridge.

The flight out to Sofia was a horrible reminder about how much more legroom you get in row 1. And having to deal with the inconsiderate passengers in the row in front. One key impact is that it’s much more difficult in getting out of your seat to visit the facilities.
I was first on in to seat 01A. The cabin crew were clearly up to speed on passengers doing B2Bs – they didn’t bat an eyelid when they greeted returning passengers with “hello again”.

I dumped my bag in the overhead locker and threw my coat into my seat. I then immediately made use of the facilities, since I wasn’t able to get out of my seat on the flight out to Sofia.
The smallest room on an aircraft is never a great experience, but on this ocasion there wasn’t even a supply of water at the sink – luckily there were some wipes you could use instead.
So much nicer being in row 1.
We pushed back about 90 mins late. Apparently, the original issue in Gothenberg was down to a tech issue.

Food service beed salad with parmesan and a lovely cream sauce. Very nice.
The starter included a potato salad which was OK. Quite filling so I didn’t eat much of that. I left the cheese but enjoyed the orange slop for pud.
We arrived into Gate 35 at Terminal 3, which is close to the very furthest collection of gates, which meant one of the longest walks back to Passport Control. Luckily the automated kiosk is now my friend and I was quickly out to the Business Parking Shuttle Bus queue, waiting for a lift back to Bobby Tesla.
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