Tier Point Run to Hawaii in Feb 2024: Day 6 – Amsterdam AMS to London Heathrow LHR
By Nige
on February 21, 2024
at 5:07 pm
Type: Post
Story: Tier Point Run to Hawaii in Feb 2024
Category: Travel
Tags: AMS | Amsterdam | British Airways | LHR | London Heathrow | Trips
Afer arriving into Gate D16, I walked around to the main gate area and joined the short priority boarding queue for getting back on the aircraft.

I noticed a group of about 8 passengers arrive a few mins later with someone looking after them, loitering right next to the gate.
They were clearly being fast tracked on board ahead of the motley crew (including me). As long as they don’t nick my seat!
Finally, back on board into seat 01F. I was very much looking forward to getting home.
The captain announced a delay due to some technical issues with the aircraft, but didn’t go into any details. It seemed a bit of an odd thing to say. It may have been better to either say nothing, or say a bit more in order to reassure passengers!
Ten mins later, the captain reported that we were ready to go. He had informed ATC, but they advised there could be a two-hour delay due to restrictions – likely to be related to the weather. There was a huge groan heard from the passengers on board.
Just two mins later, the captain advised that he had been given the all-clear from ATC. We were off! That sudden change also seemed a bit odd. However, I was pleased that we were on our way!

Once we had gotten into the air, and the seat belt sign had been turned off, I was beaten to the restroom by a young lady that clearly wasn’t very well.
She was in there for quite some time and I stood up and waited in the galley to secure my place in the queue. When she came out, she apologised profusely to me – I wondered what she had left me! Hopefully, no more than a bad smell!
Whilst I was there, the cabin crew served afternoon tea and (understandably) couldn’t serve me. By the time I got back into my seat, they were well past row 1.

When they had finished serving the rest of the cabin and pulled the trolley back into the galley, they didn’t ask me whether I might like something to eat or drink – they didn’t notice that I even had my tray out waiting.
A few mins later, when the cabin crew started collecting trays, I had to ask whether I could get some food. No apology was offered.
On the positive side, I got a taste of my afternoon tea, but I didn’t have long to consume it. By this point we were not that far from Heathrow.
Not a great experience in the cabin from my perspective.
We arrived into Gate A21 and even the stand guidance system was on and ready for us. Wow!
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