Tier Point Run to Grand Cayman in Dec 2013: Day 5 – London Heathrow (LHR) to Manchester (MAN)
Very much looking forward to getting home now and seeing the missus. Due back at 16:30 and she’s got a special tea lined up for me.
Got a couple of pressies whilst I have been away, so hopefully just need to wrap those up and Christmas is then sorted.
Flight: BA1396 Equip: n/a
Sched Depart: 15:25 Actual: n/a
Sched Arrival: 16:30 Actual: n/a
Takeoff: n/a Landing: n/a
Flight was looked like it was going to be on time, but at the last minute apparently a bit of wet weather between MAN and LHR was causing some delays since planes needed to divert around it. Anyway we ended up 20 mins late.
Sat next to a lad from Seattle called Josh who at 20 was already flying small commercial planes – he got a visit into the cockpit and had a chat with the pilots. He was off to his parents for Christmas – they live in Preston. Seemed a very nice guy and I am sure he will do something significant with his life soon – I just get that feeling.
Interestingly other than an ad woman I had a chat with on the DUB-LHR flight, and my chat with Josh, I had no other significant interactions with other passengers during my whole trip! We are a funny lot really – I just think people don’t want to take the risk of ending up being landed with some old fart that doesn’t stop talking. I wonder if that’s a description of me!
Follow the whole story here: Tier Point Run to Grand Cayman in Dec 2013
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