Tier Point Run to Grand Cayman in Dec 2013: Day 5 – Dublin (DUB) to London Heathrow (LHR)
By Nige
on December 17, 2013
at 10:17 am
Type: Post
Story: Tier Point Run to Grand Cayman in Dec 2013
Category: Travel
Tags: British Airways | DUB | Dublin | LHR | London Heathrow | Trips
In the DAA Exec lounge, and I’m leaving from gate 302 on BA0833 back to Heathrow next leaving at 08:55. So far the trip has gone according to plan and I hope the last two flights carry on that tradition.
Not expecting much from this flight – I’m in economy on reward saver and in row 10, so will just have to rough it… Looking forward to getting to T5 and into the First Lounge for some lunch.
Of course I’ll have to battle my way from T1 to T5 though – hopefully it will be a tad easier than my trip from T5 to T1 on Thursday!
Well the flight was almost empty – everyone was pushed to the back to help with trim (I assume), and then there were one or two who were scattered around the aircraft. There were about 6 in business.
We were held up by 20 mins due to Air Traffic Control restricting landings due to the high winds, which meant that we arrived into Heathrow airspace at 09:45 but didn’t actually land until 10:35, which seems a bit mad to be honest.
Then due to the delay BA arranged for a bus to pick up people connecting to other flights – you just needed to go down the steps when you get off the plane. There was even a woman holding an iPad with the words Flight Connections ->>>. Now don’t I think you need to read too much in to that, but that says to me that you head to the right to go to Flight Connections. However by the time I had gone right with just about everyone else, there was another route (broadly left) which took you to some steps (which you can’t see from the top), so that ambiguous (sorry incorrect) sign might have given me a problem.
Anyhow I followed my nose, ended up land side in T1 and followed Flight Connections until I reached another security gate and I asked whether I could get to T5 this way, and I was told I couldn’t – I had to go on the Heathrow Express! Typical.
Anyway was lucky with timing of trains, and got to T5 in no time, and was quickly through Security and into the First Lounge for my belated breakfast. Happy days….
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