Tier Point Run to Hawaii in Nov 2021: Day 1 – Home to London LHR
I said my goodbyes to Vick and the cats just before 1:30pm and drove down to Heathrow T5 Meet & Greet. I was a little apprehensive having not really travelled in the post-covid world, other than a brief visit to Italy about a year ago. Not exactly in the same league of complexity however.
T5 M&G was about normal, other than it was pretty busy. My car reg was recognised which is always a good start. Found a vacant drop off space and handed in my keys – always a slightly nervous moment – will they look after Bobby 2?
Onwards into Heathrow T5 – I get a great feeling of being at home when I walk into BA’s home base.
Follow the whole story here: Tier Point Run to Hawaii in Nov 2021
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