Tier Point Run to Tucson in Oct 2024: Day 2 – Afternoon in Tucson
By Nige
on October 3, 2024
at 8:16 pm
Type: Post
Story: Tier Point Run to Tucson in Oct 2024
Category: Travel
Tags: Arizona | Hilton | Tucson | TUS | USA
Rather than heading directly to the Hampton Inn, Tucson airport, I popped into Hertz to see whether I could bring forward my 2 day rental by a few hours. So, instead of picking my car up on Fri morning, I wanted to pick up the car later this afternoon. If I had the car for the morning, it would simplify my visit to Starbucks early morning and allow me to get to my first toursit site early!
Hertz couldn’t do anything, but did advise I call the Hertz call centre to see whether they could help. I therefore headed off to the hotel, hoping I could get a room earlier than expected.

The walk up to the hotel felt like I was in a sauna. It was really nice initially, but I could imagine spending any significant amount of time out in the heat would be debilitating.
The hotel was very accomodating, so I was checked into room 434: a standard King Bed room. Fairly dated, but it was relatively cheap in today’s inflated hotel prices.
I wasn’t planning to do a great deal for the rest of the day. I expected to head out to get something to eat, but other than that I was going to get some sleep!

I decided to ring the Hertz number to see whether they could bring forward my car rental and they seemed happy enough to do it without changing the price. Result.
I looked at the restaurants within walking distance of my hotel, and I found a nice-looking Indian called Indian Twist Airport. There’s another one in the centre of Tucson. I wondered whether I needed to book.
After a quick chat with the Vickster, I headed out to the restaurant and found it completely empty. Busy it wasn’t! However, I was convinced it was going to be nice, and it was.

I ordered the vegetable samosa as a starter, which looked unusual, but they were tasty. Two pots of sauce came with it: one was a mint-based sauce and the other a spicy sweet sauce. Both good and they worked well together. A great start!
For main course, I ordered a chicken biryani with an onion naan. I asked whether it came with a curry sauce on the side (as it might do in the UK). It didn’t, but it did come with a large pot of yoghurt.
The overall presentation might need a bit of work, but the flavours were very good, if a little mild. But perhaps a requirement for a US audience.

I left a healthy tip to show my support. Then headed back to the hotel.
I headed down to Hertz to pick up my car. I had rescheduled it for 4:30pm, but because I felt tired, I headed down there at around 3:30pm.
I was offered a Camaro. That was pretty good for a freebie car for two days!
I linked my phone to the car, and I easily drove the short distance back to the hotel. Parked up in a Diamond member spot and hit the sack.
I was interested to see how long I would be able to sleep for!
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