Tier Point Run to Tucson in Oct 2024: Day 1 – Home to London Heathrow
By Nige
on October 2, 2024
at 5:46 am
Type: Post
Story: Tier Point Run to Tucson in Oct 2024
Category: Travel
Tags: LHR | London Heathrow
I had set my watch alarm to 3am, with my phone alarm set to 3:01am. My thinking was that my watch should wake me without disturbing Vick with a loud phone alarm, but I had my phone as backup.
As it happened, I woke at 2:45am, so neither was needed. Gave the Vickster a hug and said my goodbyes.
On the landing, Mango wasn’t surprised to see me, but she was put out a bit that I was messing about a bit upstairs. I am normally chilling downstairs in my cafe chair, allowing her to continue sleeping on the landing.

Chutney wondered what was going on but wasn’t going to get up to see what was going on.
So, all was not normal this morning in cat world.
Got my stuff together after enjoying a wake-up shower, and I was on my way.
I left home at 3:20am, and took my time driving through the countryside on the way to the M40. You never know what animals might arrive on the scene at this time in the morning.
I came across a muntjac deer eating at the side of the road. I was pleased that it didnt want to get too friendly.
I also saw a weasel or similar run across the road in front of me, but as far as fauna, that was it for the drive.
There were lots of other challenges on the way to Heathrow. Little Milton was closed, and the diversion took me along a couple of sat nav short cuts, which were not appreciated in the pitch black and through some very odd villages.
On the M40, there were “real time” traffic signs advising that the junction to the M25 was closed in both directions, then it became just the sliproad heading north.

By the time I reached the M25, the sliproads were open in both directions. It was down to roadworks overnight, but the workmen must have headed off to bed. Shame the “real time” signs don’t reflect what’s happening in real time.
I arrived at Heathrow T5 Long Stay Parking around 4:30 am. I parked in area D, close to the T3 Business Parking, so that would simplify my return.
It was drizzling by this point, so it was a quick dash to Bus Stop D, and luckily, a bus was along a few mins later.
The First Wing security didn’t open until 5 am, so I went through South Security Fasttrack and then waited with a gaggle of other passengers for the South Lounge Complex to open.
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