Heathrow T2/T3 Business Parking
Heathrow T2/T3 Business Parking

Tier Point Run to Sofia in Jun 2023: Day 2 – Home to Heathow

By Nige on juin 17, 2023 at 10:00 am
Type: Post
Story: Tier Point Run to Sofia in Jun 2023 Category: Travel
Tags: LHR | London | Trips

Nothing special today – just another rerun of last week’s flight out to Sofia and back again.

Started off the day in the cafe (as most days do)! Nice and chilled; no cats this morning – they were out enjoying the cool weather. Considering how hot it has been getting in the afternoon, they deserve some cooler weather for a change. Today looked like it was going to be overcast; hopefully it would stay that way.

Bobby Tesla 2 sticking out slightly at Heathrow T2/T3 Business Parking
Bobby Tesla 2 sticking out slightly at Heathrow T2/T3 Business Parking
Bobby Tesla 2 sticking out slightly at Heathrow T2/T3 Business Parking
Bobby Tesla 2 sticking out slightly at Heathrow T2/T3 Business Parking

After our normal Saturday morning shop at Sainsbury’s (exciting or what?), and a quick Starbucks, I was on my way to Heathrow by around 9am. The drive was a little easier this week; the M25 wasn’t as busy as last week, so it was easy to get into the business parking at T2/T3 without too many challenges.

I had to wait a good 5-6 mins before a bus came to pick me up; and we had to drop off passengers at T2 before arriving at T3 for my second trip through T3 in a week.

Tier Point Run to Sofia in Jun 2023

Author Bio: About Nige

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Nige is one of the co-founders of The Billingham Blog and works as a freelance management consultant. He loves to fly in his spare time!

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