A Visit to Queen’s Club for the Tennis in Jun 2023

As everyone knows, Vick is a mad tennis buff, so when the chance of going to Queens for the first time to watch the tennis, she jumped at it.

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San Jose
San Jose
San Jose
San Jose

Tier Point Run to San Jose in Nov 2023: Day 1 – Prep

By Nige on Wed 08 Nov 2023 at 10:40
Type: Post
Story: Tier Point Run to San Jose in Nov 2023
Tags: British Airways | California | DUB | Dublin | JFK | LHR | London | New York | San Jose | SJC | Trips | USA

Having not spent much time in San Jose, I was looking forward to a few days looking around. An opportunity to see somewhere new!

Nothing too dramatic in organising this trip. I managed to use a Gold Upgrade Voucher (GUF1) to upgrade the BA Heathrow to New York (and return) flights from Business into First.

I was also lucky enough to find upgrade availability on the AA flight from New York JFK to Los Angeles LAX on my outward. However, I couldn’t find the equivalent on the return.

Other than that, it was a straight forward booking from Dublin to Heathrow to New York JFK to Los Angeles LAX with the final segment up to San Jose. The return follows the reverse path.

Follow the whole story here: Tier Point Run to San Jose in Nov 2023

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Author Bio: About Nige

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Nige is one of the co-founders of The Billingham Blog and works as a freelance management consultant. He loves to fly in his spare time!

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