Tier Point Run to San Jose in Nov 2023: Day 1 – Prep
By Nige
on November 8, 2023
at 10:40 am
Type: Post
Story: Tier Point Run to San Jose in Nov 2023
Category: Travel
Tags: British Airways | California | DUB | Dublin | JFK | LHR | London | New York | San Jose | SJC | Trips | USA
Having not spent much time in San Jose, I was looking forward to a few days looking around. An opportunity to see somewhere new!
Nothing too dramatic in organising this trip. I managed to use a Gold Upgrade Voucher (GUF1) to upgrade the BA Heathrow to New York (and return) flights from Business into First.
I was also lucky enough to find upgrade availability on the AA flight from New York JFK to Los Angeles LAX on my outward. However, I couldn’t find the equivalent on the return.
Other than that, it was a straight forward booking from Dublin to Heathrow to New York JFK to Los Angeles LAX with the final segment up to San Jose. The return follows the reverse path.
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