Tier Point Run to Hawaii in Aug 2015

What can a guy do? Another trip to Hawaii. These trips were so cheap and so many TPs could be earned.

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Covid requirements for masks onboard flights continue
Covid requirements for masks onboard flights continue
Covid requirements for masks onboard flights continue
Covid requirements for masks onboard flights continue

Tier Point Run to San Francisco in Jan 2022: Prep

By Nige on Sun 02 Jan 2022 at 07:51
Type: Post
Story: Tier Point Run to San Francisco in Jan 2022
Tags: American Airlines | AMS | British Airways | JFK | LAX | LHR | Los Angeles | Netherlands | New York | San Francisco | SFO | Trips | USA


Managed to sneak this trip in during Jan.  It was originally a June booking that was impacted by flight cancellations, so at the start of Jan I decided to take advantage of my ability to rebook my trip avoiding all of the original restrictions: as long as there is flight availability.  That allowed me to reduce a 6-day trip to a 4-day trip and avoid a couple of extra unpaid days of work.

This was originally a trip via Paris (CDG) and with the extra restrictions recently imposed by the French Government, I decided I would switch to Amsterdam.  Two main benefits: very good opportunity for a B2B and very few Covid restrictions.

Covid Requirements

Another opportunity to test my planning skills working with the restrictions being imposed by the countries that I would be travelling through on this trip:

  • Flying to Netherlands – fully vaccinated (with booster) – needed an antigen test within 24 hours.  No Verifly to simplify covid documentation verification, but uploaded my covid vaccination evidence to BA and about 24 hours later, I was good to check in.  The only other (Dutch) requirement was for printing and signing three documents (a health declaration, a vaccination declaration and a quarantine exception declaration).
  • Flying back to the UK – again, not too challenging as a result of being fully vaccinated.  Just needed to fill in a Passenger Locator Form (PLF) and commit to doing a Day 2 test, even though I would be transferring onto a flight to the US on the following day.  Apparently, there should be a transit option, but I couldn’t find it!
  • Flying to the US – over and above being vaccinated, I needed an antigen test within 24 hours.  That mean that it was safer for me to do two separate tests, when previously I might have just used one (if it was according to the previous rules of within 3 days). I had some left over tests from Chronomics, so I didn’t need to order any more.  The only other (US) requirement was for printing and signing an attestation document.
  • Domestic AA travel – nothing required.
  • Flying back home – no longer any requirement for a return test in support of my JFK-LHR flight, another PLF and a commitment to do another Day 2 test.

Follow the whole story here: Tier Point Run to San Francisco in Jan 2022

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Author Bio: About Nige

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Nige is one of the co-founders of The Billingham Blog and works as a freelance management consultant. He loves to fly in his spare time!

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