Tier Point Run to San Francisco in Jan 2022: Day 2 – Early Morning in London
By Nige
on January 22, 2022
at 6:16 am
Type: Post
Story: Tier Point Run to San Francisco in Jan 2022
Category: Travel
Tags: LHR | London | Trips
I had set my alarm for 4:30am, on the basis that the first train to T5 would be leaving Hatton Cross at 5:05am. In the end I was awake about 20 mins early, but thought I might as well get up and have a leisurely start to the day.
As a result of the refresh, the shower in my room has both a standard shower head and also a rain head which is a real improvement. However, the controls remain difficult to reach without being drenched in cold water! Why do bathroom designers do that?
It was another dry morning and a decent temperature. I could have coped with being in shorts – just. I had packed a pair on the basis that San Francisco was due to hit the heady heights of 15-16 deg c on Sun, with no cloud. If all goes well, I should have a nice day walking around the city. A few flights to go before I get there though!

I had to wait at Hatton Cross for just over 10 mins. First train to arrive terminated at Hatton Cross – why? What’s the point in terminating two stops from the end of the track anyway? Bizarre.
Quite a few people on the tube at 5am; mostly workers at Heathrow, but there were one or two passengers with luggage. When we arrived at T5, there was the normal scrum to get off the train, but there wasn’t the mad dash for the lift to get the lift door closed and avoid being delayed by more and more people trying to get in; just a fast walk today!
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