Tier Point Run to Hawaii/San Juan in Feb 2014: Day 1 – Brussels BRU to London Heathrow LHR
By Nige
on February 26, 2014
at 4:56 pm
Type: Post
Story: Tier Point Run to Hawaii/San Juan in Feb 2014
Category: Travel
Tags: British Airways | BRU | Brussels | Hilton | LHR | London | Trips
I spent about an hour in the lounge at Brussels Airport – it’s an ok lounge but there’s nothing much going on – the views aren’t that great and the food/drink isn’t that good either.

So it’s a bit basic and not very inspiring to be honest. It also wasn’t that busy either (unsurprisingly).
There was a basic selection of wines in the lounge.
I had an apple and a bottle of water, and uploaded some photos to my blog. And before I knew it, it was time for heading back to Gate B4 and a flight to Heathrow.
The one thing that I did notice was that there was a queue already formed for the priority boarding at Gate B4, but why are people like sheep?

Why can’t they work out that forming a queue that just sticks out and cuts off the entire walkway isn’t a good idea? So I didn’t join the queue – I just “merged in” when they called us to board. Ha!
The flight to Heathrow was fine – I had the afternoon tea service which was nice enough. You can’t go wrong with a scone, cream and jam. Finger sandwiches were not that good if I’m honest.
We weren’t held up that much coming into Heathrow, and then I was first off, and out through Immigration and down on to the Tube.

I decided to go on the Tube rather than catch the Heathrow Express because it was cheaper and seemed to be less hassle. Anyway, I had to wait 20 mins before the train turned up, and it took 45 mins (?) to get to Green Park where I changed to the Jubilee Line.
The Piccadilly line was fine and since I got on at the end of the line I got a seat which was important.
When I connected to the Jubilee Line just after 6pm, we were all packed on like sardines. I was only on the Jubilee line for about 15 mins when we arrived at Canary Wharf. Up from Canary Wharf I followed the initial signs to the DLR Heron Quays, and the signs stopped.

Anyway, finally got there after asking a security guy, and I then only waited a few mins for the DLR to South Quay.
The Hilton wasn’t that obvious a hotel to find, but I got there in the end. So, I checked in just after 7pm.
Nice room – as a Diamond member I was upgraded onto the Exec level, and I grabbed some beers and some food in the Exec Lounge which was very pleasant.
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