Tier Point Run to Inverness in Nov 2022

Time for another TP run. This time a local one up to Inverness and back twice over one weekend.

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Our room at the Hilton Garden Inn at Rancho Mirage
Our room at the Hilton Garden Inn at Rancho Mirage
Our room at the Hilton Garden Inn at Rancho Mirage
Our room at the Hilton Garden Inn at Rancho Mirage

Holiday USA SW Road Trip in Apr 2022: Day 3 – Rancho Mirage

By Nige on Wed 20 Apr 2022 at 17:53
Type: Post
Story: Holiday USA SW Road Trip in Apr 2022
Tags: Holidays | Rancho Mirage | USA

Room 204 was ready for us on arrival and we took the opportunity to get a little bit of shuteye before heading out for an early dinner.  There was no debate as to where we would be going, with a Cheesecake Factory (TCF) 5 mins walk from our hotel.

A pina colada and a beautiful woman - what more does man need?
A pina colada and a beautiful woman – what more does man need?
A pina colada and a beautiful woman - what more does man need?
A pina colada and a beautiful woman – what more does man need?

After our snooze, we got dolled up and walked over to TCF.  Sadly, so many of the independent shops at The River (the mall that TCF is located in) have closed down now, so it’s a shadow of the busy place it used to be.

We got a table outside in the shade.  It was even hotter than it was when we first arrived into Rancho Mirage, so a table in the shade was perfect.

Our mushroom starter served up at the TCF in Rancho Mirage
Our mushroom starter served up at the TCF in Rancho Mirage
Our mushroom starter served up at the TCF in Rancho Mirage
Our mushroom starter served up at the TCF in Rancho Mirage

We shared the stuffed mushrooms as a starter.  We then had our normal lunch time salads and I showed my lack of will power by ordering a side order of fries.  Interestingly, the waiter put it through as a kids fries order at a cost of $1.75!

A lunchtime salad from TCF at Ranch Mirage
A lunchtime salad from TCF at Ranch Mirage
A lunchtime salad from TCF at Ranch Mirage
A lunchtime salad from TCF at Ranch Mirage

We had a quick wander around the mall; we sussed out Starbucks and then headed back to the hotel, where we watched USA which was showing SVU all evening until 8:30 when the lights went out!

Follow the whole story here: Holiday USA SW Road Trip in Apr 2022

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Author Bio: About Nige

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Nige is one of the co-founders of The Billingham Blog and works as a freelance management consultant. He loves to fly in his spare time!

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