Holiday to New England in Oct 2023: Day 15 – London Heathrow to Home
By Nige
on October 25, 2023
at 3:01 pm
Type: Post
Story: Holiday to New England in Oct 2023
Category: Travel
Tags: Holidays | LHR | London Heathrow
It was a great feeling to arrive back into the UK. Not so great to be met with a bus to take us from the aircraft to Arrivals. But we were home and we were happy to be home.
We did well with our positioning on the bus – we ended up being in the first few heading up the escalator into passport control. I tried my trusted Kiosk 11, which was successful for me recently.
Alas, I tried three times in Kiosk 11 and I got the Seek Assistance message. I joined the queue and then I decided to try again. This time in Kiosk 8.
This time it worked first time. I put more pressure on the spine and that seemed to do the trick.
We popped into the Arrivals Lounge so that we could get a shower, since it wasn’t clear when we would be availing ourselves of hot water at home. Steve the boiler man was due to visit us this afternoon to see what needed to be done.
We waited for about 5 mins for a Long Stay bus, and it then only took a further 5 mins to get to the car park.
No issues exiting the car park – all in order and we headed up the M40 to Stadhampton so that we coul pick up some essentials to get us through the next day or so.
We enjoyed a lovely arrival home, cuddling Mango and Chutney.
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