Work Trip to Houston in Jan 2014: Day 6 – Houston

Annette and Vick from Risktec doing some cooking
Annette and Vick from Risktec doing some cooking

Another great day in the Risktec Houston office.  Second day of train-the trainer, where all the students present for 10 minutes on a topic of their choice, using accelerated learning techniques i’ve taught them.

Annette decided to show us all how to make bread pudding. This was one of the most unexpected topics within Risktec but was great fun. All of the blokes in the room donned a frilly apron without complaint – most impressive!

Had a quiet evening after all that – a burger in the bistro (yay it’s open now! (got a discount on my room rate after my complaint) ) and watching some crime show. Skyped with Nigel a couple of times. And so to bed…

Suivez toute l'histoire ici : Work Trip to Houston in Jan 2014

Author Bio: About Nige

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Nige is one of the co-founders of The Billingham Blog and works as a freelance management consultant. He loves to fly in his spare time!

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