Tier Point Run to Sofia in Jun 2023: Day 2 – Heathrow to Home

Zone G of Heathrow T2/T3 Business Parking
Zone G of Heathrow T2/T3 Business Parking

Having whizzed through passport control, I didn’t have to wait long at the bus stop before a bus arrived to take a couple of us back to T2/T3 Business Parking.

My Tesla SatNav guided me up the M25 and on to the M40 – much the best route home.

It was another late night trip home with the windows down. With the temperature at 21 deg c, it was lovely, breezy drive home!

Once home, Mango and Chutney took the opportunity to slip outside after I opened the front door. They wouldn’t be outside for too long – they know where their safe nest is! Looking forward to some shut-eye myself!

Follow the whole story here: Tier Point Run to Sofia in Jun 2023

Author Bio: About Nige

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Nige is one of the co-founders of The Billingham Blog and works as a freelance management consultant. He loves to fly in his spare time!

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