Tier Point Run to Sofia in Jan 2024: Day 4 – London Heathrow to Home
By Nige
on January 29, 2024
at 8:34 pm
Type: Post
Story: Tier Point Run to Sofia in Jan 2024
Category: Travel
Tags: LHR | London Heathrow | Trips
At the tube station, I only had to wait for one minute for a train to arrive and then it was a short walk back to the HGI at Hatton Cross to pay for my parking and for me to get in the car to drive home.
It was a very mild evening at 12 deg c. That’s a big difference to two weeks ago, when it was nearly freezing.
Rather than drive towards London and get onto the M4, which never seems like a good idea, I headed over to Heathrow T5 and onto the M25, then up to the M40.
The drive home was busy but not overly so, so I made good progress and was home by about 8pm.
Another east and cheap set of TPs earned, but I’m glad I’m done with Sofia for the time being.
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