Tier Point Run to Hawaii in Nov 2022 – Day 4 – Afternoon in Waikiki

The view from my room at the Hilton Waikiki Beach in Honolulu
The view from my room at the Hilton Waikiki Beach in Honolulu

I checked out a tad before my deadline of 1pm imposed by the hotel and I wandered up the road to the Hilton Waikiki Beach hotel and chanced my arm at getting an early check in. My luck was in: I was upgraded into an ocean view room on the 12th floor (room 1214). The tower goes up to floor 37, so it wasn’t the best, but it had a decent enough view.

My room at the Hilton Waikiki Beach in Honolulu
My room at the Hilton Waikiki Beach in Honolulu
My room at the Hilton Waikiki Beach in Honolulu
My room at the Hilton Waikiki Beach in Honolulu
My bathroom at the Hilton Waikiki Beach in Honolulu
My bathroom at the Hilton Waikiki Beach in Honolulu
My bathroom at the Hilton Waikiki Beach in Honolulu
My bathroom at the Hilton Waikiki Beach in Honolulu

Still ended up with a view of a car park! However, at least there were not too many large buildings in front, so the overall view was a better one of the ocean. I have stayed here before, but I can’t quite remember when, so a fair number of years must have passed by. Initial impression was a very good one. Good service; upgrade offered; didn’t need to ask and the upgrade was pretty decent.

Once I had settled in, I headed out again to revisit The Cheesecake Factory (TCF). When we get the chance we always dine at TCF; there are so many options to choose from and we have enjoyed so many good meals, that it’s a part of our holiday plans when we visit USA.

The wooden hanging ornaments found in the Crazy Shirts store in Waikiki
The wooden hanging ornaments found in the Crazy Shirts store in Waikiki
The wooden hanging ornaments found in the Crazy Shirts store in Waikiki
The wooden hanging ornaments found in the Crazy Shirts store in Waikiki

On the way I popped into Crazy Shirts (CS) again and recounted our visit to Sausalito where we found a number of wooden hanging ornaments. Luckily, this store had some in stock as well. So a second purchase was made at CS.

TCF was as good as yesterday. I asked about the option of ordering half portions so that instead of one massive dish, which you potentially get a little bored of towards the end (since the portions are so big), that you could have two half sized portions of different dishes. My waiter agreed it would be a good idea, but unfortunately that’s not on offer right now. So I plumped for the spicy cashew chicken dish, which was stunning.

Chocolate bread enjoyed at TCF in Waikiki
Chocolate bread enjoyed at TCF in Waikiki
Chocolate bread enjoyed at TCF in Waikiki
Chocolate bread enjoyed at TCF in Waikiki
The spicy cashew chicken at TCF in Waikiki
The spicy cashew chicken at TCF in Waikiki
The spicy cashew chicken at TCF in Waikiki
The spicy cashew chicken at TCF in Waikiki

I also ordered a Lemon Raspberry cheesecake to go, partly because my tummy was already huge, but also I could stick it in the fridge until later this afternoon and eat it just before heading to the airport. Made sense to me anyway.

Back to the hotel and I had a snooze to help me get through the very long evening. Not sure exactly how well I slept but I must have had a good 90 mins kip. Then it was time to reacquaint myself with the cheesecake I had purchased earlier!

Enjoying the sunset from the Hilton Waikiki Beach hotel in Honolulu
Enjoying the sunset from the Hilton Waikiki Beach hotel in Honolulu
Enjoying the sunset from the Hilton Waikiki Beach hotel in Honolulu
Enjoying the sunset from the Hilton Waikiki Beach hotel in Honolulu

Remember that complaint I submitted to Hilton this morning? By the time I had eaten my cheesecake, I had received an email confirming that Hilton would refund the 60,000 points I had spent on the hotel I was currently accommodated in! Good result for me and a good response from Hilton.

Quick shower and a final pack up of my stuff and I was ready to head to the airport via an Uber.

Suivez toute l'histoire ici : Tier Point Run to Hawaii in Nov 2022

Author Bio: About Nige

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Nige is one of the co-founders of The Billingham Blog and works as a freelance management consultant. He loves to fly in his spare time!

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