Tier Point Run to Hawaii in Nov 2022 – Day 1 – Home to London Heathrow
By Nige
on November 10, 2022
at 5:18 pm
Type: Post
Story: Tier Point Run to Hawaii in Nov 2022
Category: Travel
Tags: Heathrow | LHR | London | Trips
The start of another major TP run on the hunt for British Airways Executive Club Tier Points! Why do I do this? It’s all about maintaining status and securing upgrades to enjoy with the Vickster.

Had a real scare this morning! Where is my passport? I remember bringing it in from my trips last weekend up to Inverness and back. But it’s no longer on my study desk, or near my wallet. What a disaster that might have been. I finally remembered that I had to scan my passport for checking into one of my hotels, so it was likely to be still on the scanner platter. Vick checked and it was. Phew!
An almost full day working remotely still allowed me time to cuddle the cats before heading down to Heathrow. Naturally leaving Vick to fend for herself isn’t ideal but I know she can cope with anything.
The drive was fairly typical. It’s been a dry day, fairly warm for this time of year but I think we are expecting some cold mornings. So perhaps an ideal time to get away to somewhere a little warmer?

Arrived into T5 Meet & Greet and found that they had moved to Zone A on level 4 which is the other end of the parking level. So that caused a little bit of extra driving around the car park – got there in the end. Left Vicks car and headed up to level 5 for departures.
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