Tier Point Run to Hawaii in Dec 2022: Day 4 – Morning and Afternoon in Honolulu
By Nige
on December 18, 2022
at 6:16 pm
Type: Post
Story: Tier Point Run to Hawaii in Dec 2022
Category: Travel
Tags: Hilton | Honolulu | Trips | USA | Waikiki
My sleep is clearly completely shot on this trip. Minimal sleep was achieved at the Hilton LAX hotel last night. Tonight wasn’t that much better at the Hilton Waikiki Beach hotel. I managed to sleep for about 3 hours from 10pm, but from 1am I was awake…

The weather forecast has been all over the place in Waikiki. For days, the forecast suggested it would rain all weekend, with lightning and thunderstorms. Yesterday was glorious and hot. It was dry and refreshing in the evening and I hoped that would continue into Sunday.
I did some work on the blog including updating my reviews of the new suite of BA/AA lounges at JFK T8. It was soon heading towards 4am when Starbucks was due to open.
By the time I was heading out of the hotel, I realised it was throwing it down. I asked at Front Desk as to whether they had any umbrellas – no was the answer – why don’t you ask the Valet. I asked the Valet – no – they didn’t have any either. Seems a bit of an oversight for a top rated hotel.
I decided I would run for it. I needed my Starbucks more than I was concerned about getting wet! This hotel is a lot closer to Starbucks than the Hilton Garden Inn was, so it was only about a 4-5 min walk. Without any cover for the first 400m, I had to jog to Kalakaua Ave (the main road heading through Waikiki). At that point there are quite a few covers overhanging commercial buildings on the coastal road, so they provided a bit of protection.
When I got to Starbucks, I met the same guy I saw in Nov outside Starbucks – he’s obviously a regular. But he and others were waiting outside – Starbucks wasn’t open as expected. No reason given but they didn’t open until about 4:20am and when we finally got inside, no apology was offered either. What odd behaviour.
Taking that first sip was heavenly. I heard some thunder and headed back to the hotel ducking and diving between building overhangs and then finally jogging the final 400m back to the hotel, trying to avoid spilling my coffee as much as I could. As best I tried to avoid it, I was drenched by the time I got back.
The World Cup Final between Argentina and France started at around 5am, which turned out to be one of the best finals ever. Argentina went 2-0 up; France fought back in the last 10 mins. In extra time, Argentina nosed in front again and France scored to level it up again, close to the end of extra time. Penalties went the way of the Argentines. Well done to Messi the Master!

I decided to use my $36 credit on a breakfast take-out from MAC 24/7 (which is in-hotel restaurant). That turned into a double meal option of a short stack of pancakes and an American breakfast with bacon and over-easy eggs. All tasty, but not as fresh as it might have been if I had sat in.

When the rain finally subsided, I headed out, trying to avoid the puddles. What I didn’t want was to get my trainers drenched, which would mean I’d be stuck in them for the way home. I’d end up with trench foot, or something!
I bought what ended up seeming like an ultra-small umbrella from ABC Stores for $14. I felt a bit ripped off, but it helped to keep the rain off to some extent.
I ended up at the Starbucks at the Hilton Hawaiian Village (HHV). Second one of the day and much appreciated. Wandered around the HHV and took a few photos.
I headed back along the beach and ended up back at the hotel. It then started raining harder and in the afternoon the wind picked up as well! What a great time we are all having here in wonderful Waikiki! 🙂

For lunch I decided to try something new. So I ordered an Uber Eats delivery from McDonalds which was about 5 blocks away. I ordered a spicy McChicken sandwich meal and some McNuggets. The cyclist that delivered my meal took about 15 mins and I handed over a $20 tip when I met him in the foyer. We had to exchange pin numbers to prove we were who we said we were. It all felt a bit cloak and dagger.

Anyway, it turned into a tasty transaction! The spicy McChicken sandwich was indeed spicy and the McNuggets were, er, chicken nuggets… Lunch turned into an interesting experience. I am no longer an Uber Eats virgin!
I got some kip in the afternoon – not much, but some. I woke up to strong sunshine and a beautiful sunset which I enjoyed on the balcony. It was time to get ready for the long journey home.
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