Tier Point Run to Grand Cayman in Dec 2013: Day 3 – Miami (MIA) to Las Vegas (LAS)
By Nige
on December 15, 2013
at 8:52 pm
Type: Post
Story: Tier Point Run to Grand Cayman in Dec 2013
Category: Travel
Tags: American Airlines | Hilton | LAS | Las Vegas | MIA | Miami | Trips
Fairly dull end to my stay at the Admiral’s Club close to gate D30 in Miami. I decided to head down to the gate early after saying good night to Vick, so I could check out the neck cushions.
They all look a bit poncey to be honest, but I bought a memory foam neck cushion anyway to see whether it would help me get some sleep on the flight.
It was $30 and I decided to go for a black one. There was a nice red and blue variations as well.

Waiting at the gate was quite funny. I watched people – as we got closer to the time we could reasonably expect to start boarding, how we got closer and closer to the Premium Boarding entry point.
Naturally I was there first, but I hung around away from the entry point – I was staking out my place, but then a couple just walked up out of nowhere and dumped their cases right at the front – no subtlety about it.
I still held back and watched others get closer. But in the end I forced my way forward and took the next best position in the queue. The attendants at the gate must have a right laugh at us lot.
Anyway the flight left 10 mins late, apparently due to the incoming flight being late.
Now on line with GoGo, but still haven’t used any of my pre-purchased 4 day-long passes in the Festive Pack. I seem to have an Over the US pass which seemed to appear whilst I logged on flying to/from Cayman.

I’m onboard now. Just for a change First Class isn’t full, and I have a free seat next to me, which I am making full use of.
Just had the nuts and a glass of wine delivered to my seat so dinner service has officially started. I’m starting to get into nuts now…
Decided I will stay up for dinner and then grab a couple of hours kip later on. Looking at FlyerTalk and updating this blog keeps me busy on these long haul flights.
I’m also tracking the flight as it crosses the US through FlightRadar24. It amazes me how many planes are up here at the same time!
Flight went very well, and seemed a lot faster than the 5 hours 30 mins it was scheduled for. We caught up the 10 mins we departed late and ended up a couple of mins early arriving into LAS.

Few pics from the plane as we came in to land. Phone not really up to decent photos but gives an idea:
Rang the Hilton Doubletree from the apron and they confirmed a shuttle bus would be at T1 Level 0 pickup in 10 mins, and so he was.
It only took 5 mins to get to the hotel, and within 2 mins I was in my room on the 6th floor as requested. Top notch.
Early start tomorrow – first flight leaves LAS at around 08:30. I’ll aim to get breakfast at the Centurion so I’ll need to leave the hotel at around 06:00 to ensure I have a leisurely start to the day.
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