Tier Point Run to Cancun in Jan 2014: Day 3 – Las Vegas Recovering
By Nige
on January 3, 2014
at 8:43 pm
Type: Post
Story: Tier Point Run to Cancun in Jan 2014
Category: Travel
Tags: Hilton | Las Vegas
Slept well last night – watched a little bit of The Negotiator with Samuel L Jackson and Kevin Spacey.
Woke briefly but got back to sleep and didn’t finally get up until about 7:30am.

Caught up with work email and had breakfast around 9am. Updated the blog and my flyer talk live TP run thread. Caught up with J and his negotiations with a company he is working with. Finally went over to Starbucks for my daily macchiato.
Will probably head back to the hotel next – consider taking a swim and I think it might be Panda Express for lunch….
Didn’t bother with the swim – not warm enough – temperature is nice, but not overly warm. Walked to Galleria mall and went to Panda Express for my lunch – yum…

Walked back to the hotel and sussed out the cinema at Sunset Station. Checked the listings when I got back to the hotel and have decided on American Hustle which has got rave reviews with Christian Bale, Bradley Cooper, Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner and Jennifer Lawrence. Will be out early evening but will be back by about 9pm I would guess.
Can you believe that the cinema does NOT allow you to take your own food and drink into the cinema! I am sure that the UK had this for a while but it was proven to be illegal to insist on this. I might just look into this. Oh and that includes other food and drink purchased on the hotel/casino premises.
Anyway, I had to wait until leaving the cinema before getting my B&J’s Strawberry Cheesecake and Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream. And then on my way back to the hotel with my phone in one hand and my ice cream in the other Vick tries to Skype me on my mobile, and I didn’t have enough hands to open my phone and answer!
Spoke to the old girl later on anyway. Film was tremendous though. Fab cast, interesting twist at the end, and will definitely be up for some awards – you heard it first here!
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