Holiday USA West Coast Road Trip in Aug 2022: Day 1 – Home to Heathow
By Nige
on August 4, 2022
at 7:44 am
Type: Post
Story: Holiday USA West Coast Road Trip in Aug 2022
Category: Travel
Tags: Holidays | LHR | London
We were looking forward to our trip. Sad to say goodbye to the puddy-cats for 2 weeks, but we have an army of cat carers on duty and we know Mango and Chutney will be well looked after.
Woken by Vick’s alarm at 4:45am – my watch alarm didn’t go off at 4:30am, or perhaps it simply didn’t wake me? Can’t tell. Either way, we had our final packing to do, so that was our focus for the next 45 mins or so. The cats were out enjoying the early morning cool dry weather. Expecting the local weather to continue to be warm whilst we are away.
We managed a quick catwalk before driving off, but they were quickly distracted by the wildlife in the surrounding jungle. Still, it is always a bit of a tear-jerker for us to drive away from our fury friends.
We hit the road at about 5:40am which was going to give us plenty of time at Heathrow T5 and avoid too many queues, either on the road or getting through security at the airport. The roads were fairly busy with white van men heading to their first jobs of the day. We arrived at T5 Meet & Greet about an hour later and it was nice to see no queue to speak of as we drove in.
Handed the keys over to a very pleasant guy at Meet & Greet Reception and headed up the lift to departures.
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