Holiday to Tennessee in Mar 2024: Day 12 – Morning in Atlanta
By Nige
on April 3, 2024
at 1:23 pm
Type: Post
Story: Holiday to Tennessee in Mar 2024
Category: Travel
Tags: Atlanta | Georgia | Hertz | Hilton | Holidays | USA
At 3am in the morning, I followed up on Vick’s request for a Three virtual eSim to use in her new iPhone 15.

Miraculously, the eSim email arrived at 3am (8am UK time) on the dot, as was suggested on forums on the net.
Why it had to wait for opening time of the contact centre, who knows. We were just pleased that something had actually happened!
We received a confirmation code in a separate email, which ended up in the spam folder.
Amazingly, it loaded into Vick’s new iPhone without any issues and was activated within a few mins.
Great start to the day! We can pop back to the shopping mall and get Vick’s trade-in.

I popped out for our early Starbucks just after 6am. I just needed to pop over to the Westin Hotel. They were friendly, but not that efficient.
After sorting ourselves out, we headed down to a very busy breakfast. Although we decided not to partake today.
Neither of us fancied a Hampton breakfast, nor fighting with the multitude of guests, so we went out for a walk instead.
We started with Centenial Olympic Park and ended up at a Starbucks close by, where we indulged in some breakfast.

What a farce that was! Longest queue we have seen all holiday. Coffees came in after about 15 mins. We had to chase them for the food items, and after about 30 mins, the egg bites that Vick ordered were out of stock!
We finished off our walk around the park, and headed back to the hotel to pack up.
After checking out, we drove to one of the superchargers close to the Cumberland Mall.
Then it was back to the Apple store to sort Vick’s trade-in.

Then on to The Cheesecake Factory (TCF) for a salad-based lunch.
It was a shame that this was our last TCF meal of our holiday.
We have only managed to fit in five visits in 12 days. Not bad going in my opinion.
After TCF, it was a case of heading to the airport Rental Car Center to drop off our Tesla.
Then we were going to try and blag our way through security in the Domestic terminal, thus avoiding a horrible bus ride from the Domestic terminal to the International terminal.
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