Holiday to Pacific West Coast in Jun 2012: Day 13 – Yosemite
By Nige
on June 16, 2012
at 10:00 pm
Type: Post
Story: Holiday to Pacific West Coast in Jun 2012
Category: Travel
Tags: Awahnee | Mustang | Nevada Falls | Vernall Falls | Yosemite
Wow, we are knackered – just climbed up Vernall and Nevada Falls. 7 mile round trip and really strenuous. Stupendous times squillion views, though, so all very worthwhile.

Really hard work, legs like jelly at the end. But views to die for (quite literally, for some people each year who go the other side of the guard rails and get swept over the top) so an amazing day.
We set off before 7am to ensure we did most of the hike in the shade, and we were well glad we’d done that. As we were descending, people were climbing up in 90 degree heat.
7 miles doesn’t sound much but it was all either very steep up, or (of course) very steep down. At the end it felt weird to be walking on the horizontal and be able to make proper strides.
[What Mrs B fails to mention is the fact that she of course whinges about getting up early to beat everyone to the trail head, but by the time we get down and can see the benefits of getting up early it’s obviously her idea isn’t it!]

Nige has become a camera geek (as well as all the other types of geek he is already) but to good effect – increasing the shutter time and reducing the aperture to show the water streaming down like silk. See the pics!
The rest of the day has been spent in recovery – chillin’ out and eating. [And snoring in the case of Mrs B who was desparate to get into bed once we got down from the hike – I think she called it resting her eyelids, but there was a lot of noise coming my way whilst I did my daily job of updating the blog for yesterday].

Plan for tomorrow is to have brunch at the Awahnee (it’s father’s day don’t you know), then drive to San Francisco. Already booked into the Stinking Rose and requested a romantic, candle-lit, curtained, secluded booth (which will be great as long as the wifi works in there).
Stats for Day 13: 10 miles (to the trailhead), 0 Starbuck’s coffees (ouch!), 0 Hollywood celebs spotted, 0 Subway inches consumed, quite a lot of calories consumed (boysenberry pie for dinner), bloomin’ loads of calories burned.
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