Holiday to Indian Wells in Mar 2025: Day 9 – London Heathrow to Home
By Nige
on March 13, 2025
at 10:00 pm
Type: Post
Story: Holiday to Indian Wells in Mar 2025
Category: Travel
Tags: LHR | London Heathrow
The hotel hoppa buses appear to turn off their tracker as they arrive at Heathrow, which means passengers have no idea that there is a bus ready to go. Why do they do that?

I had to ask the bus diver to confirm which bus appeared to be the one heading back to the Hilton.
In the end, the bus I jumped on left 2 mins ahead of time. If I had arrived at the bus stop a min later, I would have been furious if I had missed the bus because the bus had left early.
Not a great move by the bus driver. Perhaps he was in a rush? Anyway, I was the only one on board.
Vick’s ID3 was happy to see me arrive and jumping off the bus when I arrived at the Hilton.

I headed up the M40 on my way home, but I had to drive slowly and turn off the air con to make sure I didn’t run out of charge!
Luckily, the roads were pretty clear at that time, and I was pleased when I finally got home around 10:30pm.
I found Vick and the cats in front of the TV watching the tennis!
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