Tier Point Run to Hawaii in Feb 2024: Day 1 – Amsterdam AMS to London Heathrow LHR

A very busy D concourse at Schipol airport
A very busy D concourse at Schipol airport

The D concourse at Schipol airport was chocker when we arrived at the end of the airbridge, with quite a few passengers waiting for the flight back to Heathrow.

The battered collection of wheelie bags after being hurled down the baggage chute
The battered collection of wheelie bags after being hurled down the baggage chute
The battered collection of wheelie bags after being hurled down the baggage chute
The battered collection of wheelie bags after being hurled down the baggage chute

I walked around to the normal priority boarding area, although there were no signs suggesting that was the place to be.

Flight: BA0431 Equip: A319
Sched Depart: 11:00 Actual: 11:24
Sched Arrival: 11:20 Actual: 11:29
Takeoff: 11:36 Landing: 11:22

As we waited for boarding to commence, I watched the bags tagged for the hold being hurled down the baggage chute.

High risk of damage to those bags. Just glad mine wasn’t one of them.

It was a wet and miserable day in Amsterdam
It was a wet and miserable day in Amsterdam
It was a wet and miserable day in Amsterdam
It was a wet and miserable day in Amsterdam

The guy in front of me in the priority boarding queue was clearly a pro, since as soon as priority boarding was called, he took down the two sets of tensa barriers in front of him and headed to the boarding pass scanner. I followed him.

Back on board into my preferred seat 01F and I exchanged comments with the cabin crew about doing a B2B. These guys appeared not to know much about this approach to travel.

They looked me up on the manifest and worked out that I was heading to New York next.

An early lunch on the way back to Heathrow with BA
An early lunch on the way back to Heathrow with BA
An early lunch on the way back to Heathrow with BA
An early lunch on the way back to Heathrow with BA

The trip back to Heathrow saw a reduced business cabin of just 4 rows. I was lucky enough to have an empty seat next to me.

Not long after take off, lunch was served. I went for the salmon salad, which was fairly tasty. I don’t often have oily fish, so hopefully, my body appreciated the change.

The bread was fairly hard, but the sweet was quite nice. A fruity base with a mousse on top.

We arrived into Gate A21 and wow – the stand guidance was already on when we got there! Wonders will never cease!

Follow the whole story here: Tier Point Run to Hawaii in Feb 2024

Author Bio: About Nige

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Nige is one of the co-founders of The Billingham Blog and works as a freelance management consultant. He loves to fly in his spare time!

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