Holiday to the Pacific West Coast in Aug 2006: Day 3 – Vancouver

Another fab view in Vancouver
Another fab view in Vancouver

We hit the sack at around 9:30pm last night and unsurprisingly woke dead early this morning – just after 3am. We both fought it a little but in the end got up and checked email etc.

We got breakfast early and asked about a sightseeing bus.

Gas town from the Big Bus Vancouver Sightseeing bus
Gas town from the Big Bus Vancouver Sightseeing bus
Gas town from the Big Bus Vancouver Sightseeing bus
Gas town from the Big Bus Vancouver Sightseeing bus

We had arranged to make contact with Jamie at around 9am (5pm back in the UK) but we guess he got back late from his day out at Camelot – we’ll try again tomorrow.

At 10:30, we went in search of the tourist bus, but it wasn’t clearly sign posted. In the end we missed the first bus and decided to walk up the main street – we were bound to find another. We found one easy enough. We ran down the street following it to see where it stopped, but we couldn’t keep up with it!

After a brief review of tactics, we decided to change tack and stay put at one of the bus stops. While waiting we popped into Starbucks for a coffee to go.

Me and my new camera at the Pan Pacific (I think)
Me and my new camera at the Pan Pacific (I think)
Me and my new camera at the Pan Pacific (I think)
Me and my new camera at the Pan Pacific (I think)

Eventually we caught the Big Bus Vancouver Sightseeing tour at the library which was (of course) where we started! We’d only wasted about 45 mins chasing the bus around Vancouver. Never mind – we’re on holiday!

We got a good seat at the back of the bus. We think the driver was desperate for a fag since he through us around corners and we had to hold on for dear life! After a few minutes we picked up the pace of the ride and settled into the sights of China Town, Gas Town, Canada Place.

We ended up at Granville Island so we hopped off the bus and had a look around – it brought back memories of when we were here in 2001!

A colourful market stall at Granville Island
A colourful market stall at Granville Island
A colourful market stall at Granville Island
A colourful market stall at Granville Island

We had a beer at the SandBar and then lunch at an Indian stall in the market which was excellent. We shared a table with a nice couple who live in Calgary, having emigrated from the UK in 1967 and 1980.

We exchanged pleasantries (as you do) and we got back on the bus and headed onto Stanley Park. Stanley Park is totally beautiful, and in the clear Vancouver sunshine it looked at its best.

There’s a wonderful mix of formal gardens and wilderness. On our last day we’re planning to return and hire bikes here.

Vick at the harbour in Vancouver
Vick at the harbour in Vancouver
Vick at the harbour in Vancouver
Vick at the harbour in Vancouver

We walked back from Stanley Park taking photos on the way. Of course we had to stop off at Starbucks and I tried a Frappuccino – I think I will stick with my regular Caramel Macchiato.

We went out to a nice Thai restaurant in the evening – fast service or what? We were out within 45 minutes! Having said that I wouldn’t have lasted much longer – the long days and poor sleep patterns have started to catch up with me.

We won’t be late to bed tonight either – it will be an early start tomorrow to get over the Canadian border before every man and his dog decides they want to go to the US for a day’s shopping!

Suivez toute l'histoire ici : Holiday to Pacific West Coast in Aug 2006

Author Bio: About Nige

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Nige is one of the co-founders of The Billingham Blog and works as a freelance management consultant. He loves to fly in his spare time!

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